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Baby Wearing: Video 1 - the Fabric Wrap


I 🧡wearing (other people's) babies!

I've tried so many wraps, slings, & carriers, and I want to share with you some of my favorites.

This video is the first of 3 or 4, sharing the carriers I've used the most.

When supporting families as a postpartum doula, babies and moms can experience their deepest, most amazing rest (together OR separate, with the doula wearing baby or mom) when babies are close to a warm, beating heart.

This wrap technique I learned when I was just a baby midwife. It's not a method I've seen in videos (though I'm sure they are out there), and I personally felt that it was the easiest to use in the beginning, and secured baby so well I was confident!

I hope you find this helpful - shout out or share your successes or tips you have!



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